在Tramore Beach, Co. Waterford发现妇女的尸体;Gardaí调查8月5日的发现。 Woman's body found on Tramore Beach, Co. Waterford; Gardaí investigating August 5 discovery.
爱尔兰Waterford公司Tramore海滩发现的女子尸体 Woman's body found on Tramore Beach, Co. Waterford, Ireland. 警方正在调查发生在2024年8月5日, 大约早上7点左右的发现情况。 Gardaí are investigating the circumstances around the discovery, which occurred on Aug 5, 2024, around 7am. 据信,该妇女的尸体在冲上岸之前就已浸入水中。 The woman's body is believed to have been in the water before washing ashore. 死因不明;随着调查进展,将公布更多详情。 Cause of death unknown; further details to be released as investigation progresses.