澳大利亚维多利亚州禁止使用人造石产品,原因是工人中矽肺病病例不断增加。 Victoria, Australia bans engineered stone products due to rising silicosis cases among workers.
澳大利亚维多利亚州自7月1日以来,由于工人中硅化病和与硅病有关的疾病不断增多,对工程石制品实施禁令。 Victoria, Australia, has enforced a ban on engineered stone products since July 1 due to rising silicosis and silica-related diseases among workers. 工作安全维多利亚公司已查获65个涉嫌制造石块的样品,发出25份遵守通知,并视察了52个工业场址。 WorkSafe Victoria has seized 65 samples of suspected engineered stone, issued 25 compliance notices, and visited 52 industry sites. 该禁令旨在解决日益严重的健康问题,自2018年以来,共有680名维多利亚州工人受到硅化病的影响。 The ban aims to address a growing health issue, with 680 Victorian workers affected by silicosis since 2018. WorkSafe将继续监测该行业并调查不遵守规定的企业。 WorkSafe will continue to monitor the industry and investigate non-compliant businesses.