联合王国养蜂人和科学家开发FLE技术,以便在欧盟更新标签时发现蜂蜜欺诈。 UK beekeepers and scientists develop FLE technique to detect honey fraud amid EU labelling updates.
英国养蜂人和科学家,如来自萨默塞特的林恩·英格拉姆(Lynne Ingram)正在通过开发诸如荧光刺激发光等方法来发现欺骗性蜂蜜,从而对付蜂蜜欺诈行为,随着技术和科学的进步,这种欺诈行为变得更加容易。 UK beekeepers and scientists, such as Lynne Ingram from Somerset, are tackling honey fraud by developing methods like fluorescence-excited luminescence (FLE) to detect fraudulent honey, which has become easier with advancements in technology and science. 欧洲联盟更新了蜂蜜条例,以更清晰的标签和追踪系统。 The European Union updated honey regulations for clearer labelling and a traceability system. 养蜂人和研究人员旨在确保消费者得到真实、优质的蜂蜜。 Beekeepers and researchers aim to ensure consumers receive authentic, high-quality honey.