马来西亚上诉法院维持对强奸一名11岁儿童的18年徒刑和10鞭鞭。 Malaysian Court of Appeal upholds 18-year prison sentence and 10 lashes for raping an 11-year-old.
马来西亚上诉法院驳回了一名前送货员关于因强奸一名11岁女孩而减刑18年监禁和鞭笞10下的上诉。 The Court of Appeal in Malaysia rejected a former deliveryman's appeal to reduce his 18-year prison sentence and 10 lashes for raping an 11-year-old girl. 法院维持了严厉惩罚,以起到威慑作用,提醒人们注意打击侵害儿童的滔天罪行的严重性。 The court upheld the severe punishment to serve as a deterrent and reminder of the seriousness of combating heinous crimes against children.