印度尼西亚工业部在Serang建立了一个造船培训中心,为工人在韩国就业做好准备。 Indonesian industry ministry establishes a shipbuilding training center in Serang to prepare workers for jobs in South Korea.
印度尼西亚工业部在Serang设立一个造船培训中心,为在韩国寻找工作的印度尼西亚工人提供为期三个月的培训方案。 Indonesian industry ministry establishes a shipbuilding training center in Serang to provide 3-month training programs for Indonesian workers seeking jobs in South Korea. 该中心提供焊接、韩语和安全课程。 The center offers welding, Korean language, and safety courses. 该中心在韩国近海和造船协会与印度尼西亚劳工部于3月份进行讨论后,开始着手工作,目的是简化工作签证的发放,并将该方案与官方发展援助项目联系起来。 Initiated after discussions between Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association and Indonesia's labor ministry in March, the center aims to simplify work visa issuance and link the program with official development assistance projects.