公平贸易委员会主席Lina Khan启动对高杂货价格和潜在的公司剥削的调查。 FTC Chair Lina Khan launches an investigation into high grocery prices and potential corporate exploitation.
公平贸易委员会主席Lina Khan宣布对食品杂货价格上涨进行调查,担心公司可能超出与大流行病有关的因素而使成本膨胀。 FTC Chair Lina Khan announced an investigation into rising grocery prices, with concerns that companies may be inflating costs beyond pandemic-related factors. 调查的目的是审查高杂货价格、大公司可能利用权力和公司违法问题。 The investigation aims to examine high grocery prices, large companies' potential exploitation of power, and corporate law-breaking. 公平贸易委员会将与司法部合作,研究造成高价格和高利润的因素。 The FTC will collaborate with the Department of Justice to study factors contributing to high prices and profits.