1月沉没的83英尺历史性渔船Jacob Pike造成污染威胁;海岸警卫队计划在本周晚些时候执行清除行动。 83-ft historic fishing boat Jacob Pike, sank in January, poses pollution threat; Coast Guard plans removal operation later this week.
美国海岸警卫队正准备从缅因州哈普斯韦尔的New Meadows 河中驱逐83英尺长的历史渔船Jacob Pike。 The US Coast Guard is preparing to remove the 83-ft historic fishing boat, Jacob Pike, from the New Meadows River in Harpswell, Maine. 该船在1月的冬季风暴中沉没,造成污染威胁。 The vessel sank during a winter storm in January, posing a pollution threat. 船东费用包括遗弃船只,拆除费用估计为200,000美元。 Owner charges include abandonment of a watercraft, with removal cost estimated at $200,000. 海岸警卫队将与地方、州和联邦伙伴合作,并计划在天气允许的情况下在本周晚些时候开始行动。 The Coast Guard will work with local, state, and federal partners, and plans to commence the operation later this week, weather permitting.