6 000名符合资格的联合王国妇女可在国家养恤金支付日期后领取最高达45 604英镑的养恤金。 6,000 eligible UK women may receive up to £45,604 in backdated state pension payments.
养恤金漏洞可能使有资格的联合王国妇女能够领取最多达45 604英镑的晚期国家养恤金付款。 A pension loophole could allow eligible UK women to receive backdated state pension payments of up to £45,604. 2016年4月前达到国家养恤金年龄,没有基本国家养恤金的妇女,其丈夫在2008年3月17日前年满65岁的妇女,可能有资格领取这一津贴。 Women who reached state pension age before April 2016, had no basic state pension, and whose husbands turned 65 before March 17, 2008, may be eligible for this payment. 那些领取不到其丈夫国家养恤金60%的人可能有权获得其配偶养恤金数额的60%。 Those receiving less than 60% of their husband's state pension might be entitled to up to 60% of their partner's pension amount. 之所以能够这样做,是因为有一项规则允许这一特定群体中的妇女从丈夫开始领取国家养恤金时一直到丈夫开始领取国家养恤金时,都能够索回支付不足的养恤金。 This is possible due to a rule that allows women in this specific group to claim back underpaid pensions all the way back to when their husband started drawing his state pension.