BikePark威尔士公司与威尔士自然资源公司合作,租用400英亩土地,为期33年,以扩大和加强生物多样性。 BikePark Wales partners with Natural Resources Wales, leasing 400 acres for 33 years to expand and enhance biodiversity.
英国顶级山地自行车道中心威尔士自行车公园(BikePark Wales)与威尔士自然资源局(Natural Resources Wales)合作,为一块400英亩的土地投资了33年的租约。 BikePark Wales, UK's top mountain bike trail center, partners with Natural Resources Wales to invest in a 33-year lease for a 400-acre site. 该协议将利用收入将该地区从商业林业转变为生物多样化林地,支持气候变化和生物多样性努力。 The deal will see revenues used to transform the area from commercial forestry to a biodiverse woodland, supporting climate change and biodiversity efforts. 作为回报,公园获准扩大,增加了46条新的通道、技能领域和可持续住房。 In return, the park gains approval to expand, adding 46 new trails, skills areas, and sustainable accommodations.