萨拉·凯瑟琳·朗的10年杀人案; 家庭敦促新的线索, 机构审查. 10-year-old homicide case of Sarah Catherine Long; family urges for new leads, agencies review.
Sarah Catherine Long在Davidson的家神秘谋杀10年后 她的家人急切要求线索和正义 10 years since Sarah Catherine Long's mysterious murder in her Davidson townhome, her family urges for clues and justice. 这名41岁的孩子被发现死于枪伤,最初被判自杀,但后来被作为杀人案处理。 The 41-year-old was found dead with a gunshot wound, initially ruled a suicide but later treated as a homicide. Davidson警察局、联邦调查局和北卡罗来纳州调查局 冷案组正在积极审查此案 以寻找新的线索 The Davidson Police Department, FBI, and North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation Cold Case Squad are actively reviewing the case for new leads. 家人向任何有信息可以联系Davidson警察局的人求情。 The family pleads with anyone who has information to contact the Davidson Police Department.