苏格兰警方撤销了劳拉·麦肯齐因抗抑郁剂使用而向劳拉·麦肯齐提供的工作机会,导致8月份发生残疾歧视案件。 Police Scotland withdrew job offer for Laura Mackenzie over antidepressant use, leading to a disability discrimination case in August.
Inverness居民Laura Mackenzie 将在苏格兰警察因她服用抗抑郁药而撤回她的工作机会后,于8月将她的案件提交就业法庭。 Laura Mackenzie, an Inverness resident, will take her case to an employment tribunal in August after Police Scotland withdrew her job offer due to her taking antidepressants. 寻求“梦想工作”的麦肯齐(Mackenzie)指控残疾歧视,并希望通过法庭伸张正义,这将是同类案件中第一个在没有庭外解决的情况下进行全面听证的案件。 Mackenzie, who sought her "dream job," is alleging disability discrimination and hopes for justice through the tribunal, set to be the first case of its kind to go to a full hearing without being settled out of court. 苏格兰警察没有就此案发表评论。 Police Scotland has not commented on the case.