YES Theatre 为 “Annie” 青年合唱团和未来的演出举行试镜,需要在 2 月 10 日之前提交。 YES Theatre holds auditions for "Annie" youth ensemble and future shows, requiring submissions by Feb. 10.
“Yes”剧场为“Annie”的青年合唱团举行面对面的试演,为他们的2025年和2026年表演举办自我录影带试演,仅限于北方艺术家参加。 YES Theatre is holding in-person auditions for the youth ensemble of "Annie" and self-tape auditions for their 2025 and 2026 shows, restricted to Northern-based artists. Peter Hinton导演, "Annie" 将结束2025季。 Directed by Peter Hinton, "Annie" will close the 2025 season. 2月17日和24日是青年合唱团试演,需要两分钟提交一首阿卡贝拉歌和一首独白。 Youth ensemble auditions are on Feb. 17 and 24, requiring a two-minute submission of an a cappella song and a monologue. 订票必须在二月十号前通过电子邮件发送, 与艺术家的年龄、父母的联系人和首选日期进行。 Bookings must be made by Feb. 10 by emailing with the artist's age, a parent's contact, and preferred date.