波特兰老城的嫌疑人持有砍刀和斧头在与警察发生冲突后被捕. Old Town Portland suspect wielding machete and hatchet arrested after standoff with police.
波特兰老城的嫌疑人持有砍刀和斧头在短暂的对峙后被捕. Old Town Portland suspect wielding machete and hatchet arrested after short standoff. 警方响应多次电话,关闭了该地区,并使用危机谈判小组说服此人离开街机。 Police responded to multiple calls, closed off the area, and used a crisis negotiation team to persuade the man to leave the arcade. 在一个半小时后,据信受毒品影响的嫌疑人开始睡着并被拘留。 After an hour and a half, the suspect, believed to be under the influence of drugs, began to fall asleep and was taken into custody. 这名男子被送往当地医院评估,并可能面临与事件相关的指控。 The man was taken to a local hospital for evaluation and may face charges related to the incident.