一名男子被指控在缅因州公寓楼内用砍刀袭击他人。 Man accused of attacking people with a machete inside Maine apartment building.
波特兰警方逮捕了一名男子艾哈迈德·伊斯梅尔,他被指控用砍刀袭击他人。 Portland police arrested a man, Ahmed Ismail, accused of assaulting people with a machete. 38 岁的伊斯梅尔没有永久地址,被指控犯有袭击罪、使用危险武器进行刑事威胁以及违反释放条件等罪名。 Ismail, 38, does not have a permanent address, and was charged with assault, criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, and violating conditions of release. 他在坎伯兰县监狱被捕后还提出了其他指控,包括非法持有规定毒品和贩运监狱违禁品。 Additional charges were filed after his arrest at the Cumberland County Jail, including unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and trafficking in prison contraband. 据报道有轻伤,但没有严重受伤。 Minor injuries were reported, but none were serious.