孟加拉国高等法院允许警察在配额改革抗议期间作为最后手段使用致命武力。 Bangladesh High Court allows police to use lethal force as a last resort during quota reform protests.
孟加拉国高等法院驳回了一项要求警察在配额改革抗议期间停止向抗议者开枪的命令状请愿。 Bangladesh High Court dismissed a writ petition seeking to stop police from firing on protestors during quota reform protests. 法院强调公民享有和平集会的权利,而警察必须遵守法律准则,包括作为最后手段使用致命武器。 The court emphasized citizens' right to peaceful assemblies, while police must follow legal guidelines, including using lethal weapons as a last resort. 法院对与抗议有关的暴力和死亡表示关切。 The court expressed concern over protest-related violence and fatalities.