在东盟-西中国贸易走廊交付的50万个高浓缩铀集装箱,创下了新记录。 500,000 TEU containers delivered in ASEAN-Western China trade corridor, a new record.
新的国际陆海贸易走廊是中国西部和东盟之间的一项联合倡议,它创下了新纪录,截至8月2日,为铁路-海上多式联运运送了50多万个标准欧盟集装箱。 The New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, a joint initiative between Western China and ASEAN, has set a new record, delivering over 500,000 TEU containers for rail-sea intermodal transportation as of August 2. 这标志着自其成立以来的同期最高水平。 This marks the highest level for the same period in all years since its establishment. 走廊连接东南亚、中亚和中国内地等区域,其高浓缩铀集装箱运输量增加,表明贸易流动有所加强,网络内连通性有所改善。 The corridor connects regions such as Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Chinese hinterland, and its increased TEU container delivery indicates a strengthened trade flow and improved connectivity within the network.