从阿萨姆Gossaigaon的沟渠中获救的女象返回Raimona国家公园。 Female elephant rescued from ditch in Assam's Gossaigaon, returned to Raimona National Park.
在阿萨姆邦的Gossaigaon,森林官员从Mainaopur村的沟渠中救出了一头雌性大象,当时它冒险离开了雷莫纳国家公园。 In Gossaigaon, Assam, forest officials rescued a female elephant from a ditch in Mainaopur village, after it ventured out of Raimona National Park. 利用JCB,他们挖出大象,毫发无损,然后把它送回公园。 Using a JCB, they extracted the elephant, unharmed, and returned it to the park. 当地村民提醒官员注意这一情况,营救队的努力得到了分区森林官员和负责的Sanfan地区人员的赞赏。 Local villagers alerted the officials about the situation, and the rescue team's efforts were appreciated by the Divisional Forest Officer and Sanfan Range in-charge.