伊利诺伊州Prospect山的11名十几岁男子被指控攻击两人,两人通过约会应用程序被引诱。 Eleven teens in Mount Prospect, Illinois, were charged with attacking two men lured via a dating app.
11名16至17岁的青少年被指控在伊利诺伊州Prospect山犯有严重殴打和暴徒行动罪,据称他们通过约会应用程序引诱两名男子到一个会场,然后攻击他们。 Eleven teenagers, aged 16 to 17, were charged with aggravated battery and mob action in Mount Prospect, Illinois, after allegedly luring two men to a meeting spot via a dating app and then attacking them. 这些事件发生在2024年7月8日,一名嫌疑人面临额外的仇恨犯罪指控。 The incidents occurred on July 8, 2024, and one suspect faced additional hate crime charges. 警方使用视频录像认出了这些青少年。 Police identified the juveniles using video footage. 展望山警察局长敦促家长提醒其子女注意跟踪有害社交媒体趋势的危险。 The Mount Prospect Police Chief urged parents to warn their children about the dangers of following harmful social media trends.