美国司法部结束对康涅狄格州警察局伪造罚单的调查,理由是缺乏恶意。 US DOJ closes investigation into Connecticut State Police ticket falsification, citing lack of malicious intent.
美国司法部结束了对数百名康涅狄格州警队人员伪造罚单的指控的调查,没有发现恶意意图的证据。 The US Department of Justice has ended its investigation into alleged ticket falsification by hundreds of Connecticut State Police troopers, revealing no evidence of malicious intent. 内德·拉蒙特总督说,目前只有6至7名警官仍然受到审问,大多数问题归咎于错误而不是故意不当行为。 Governor Ned Lamont stated that only six to seven officers are still being questioned, with the majority of the issues attributed to mistakes rather than intentional misconduct. 尽管联邦调查已经结束,但州最大执法机构的内部问责措施仍然存在。 Despite the federal investigation's closure, internal accountability measures remain in place for the state's largest law enforcement agency.