5 月 10 日,泰晤士河谷警方在牛津郡钦诺市寻求公众帮助,以确定三名刑事损害事件的嫌疑人。 Thames Valley Police seek public help identifying three suspects for criminal damage incident in Chinnor, Oxfordshire on May 10.
泰士河谷警方寻求公众帮助, 查明三名参与5月10日在牛津郡的奇诺尔发生的犯罪事件的个人. Thames Valley Police seek public help for identifying three individuals involved in a criminal damage incident on May 10 in Chinnor, Oxfordshire. 一群人于下午7时30分搬走并拆除了部分东西,损坏了一堵墙。 A group damaged a wall by removing and knocking off parts at 7:30 pm. 警方公布疑犯的图像, 并询问任何有信息的人 联系AP Aled Pal, 参考编号43240217574, 或者匿名通过犯罪制止者。 Police released images of the suspects and ask anyone with information to contact PC Aled Pal, reference number 43240217574, or anonymously through Crimestoppers.