印度最高法院向中央政府、NBTC和NACO发出通知,要求他们质疑歧视性的献血准则。 The Supreme Court of India issues notice to central government, NBTC, and NACO over petition challenging discriminatory blood donation guidelines.
印度最高法院向中央政府、全国输血委员会(NBTC)和国家艾滋病控制组织(NACO)发出了通知,要求就将男同性恋者、变性人和女性性工作者排除在献血之外一事提出申诉。 The Supreme Court of India has issued a notice to the central government, the National Blood Transfusion Council (NBTC), and the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) concerning a petition challenging the exclusion of gay men, transgender individuals, and women sex workers from donating blood. 请愿书认为,禁止这些群体献血的2017年准则侵犯了受《印度宪法》保护的平等、尊严和生命权。 The petition argues that the 2017 guidelines that bar these groups from donating blood violate the right to equality, dignity, and life protected under the Indian Constitution. 申诉还辩称,准则基于过时的假设,侵犯了《印度宪法》所保护的平等、尊严和生命权。 The plea also argues that the guidelines are based on outdated assumptions and constitute a violation of the right to equality, dignity, and life protected under the Indian Constitution.