肯特州罗切斯特的一所房子因阳光反射到一面空心镜子而起火. In Rochester, Kent, a house fire occurred due to sunlight reflecting off a vanity mirror.
肯特州罗切斯特的一所房子因阳光反射到窗上而起火. In Rochester, Kent, a house fire occurred due to sunlight reflecting off a vanity mirror onto curtains. 这对夫妇Sam和Michael被烟雾警报警示,设法逃脱。 The couple, Sam and Michael, were alerted by their smoke alarms and managed to escape. 肯特消防救援局控制了火灾 The fire was contained by the Kent Fire and Rescue Service. 事件导致Sam和Michael警告其他人不要将反射面从直接阳光照射处移开,以免发生类似的火灾。 The incident led Sam and Michael to warn others about keeping reflective surfaces away from direct sunlight to prevent a similar fire.