Plettenberg Bay机场在南非因安全问题和SACAA许可证被吊销而无限期关闭。 Plettenberg Bay Airport indefinitely closed in South Africa due to safety concerns and SACAA license suspension.
南非普莱伯格湾机场因安全问题,特别是跑道维护滞后而被SACAA暂停许可证后无限期关闭. South Africa's Plettenberg Bay Airport is indefinitely closed after the SACAA suspended its license due to safety concerns, particularly maintenance backlogs on the runway. 机场唯一的航空公司CemAir暂停了航班,为乘客安排了替代计划。 The airport's only airline, CemAir, has suspended flights and arranged alternative plans for passengers. 管理机场的Bitou市正在进行谈判,以解决这些问题并满足SACAA的要求。 Bitou Municipality, which manages the airport, is in talks to address the issues and meet SACAA requirements.