由于保安人员罢工,法兰克福机场于周四关闭了离境旅客,导致 650 个航班取消。 Frankfurt Airport closes for departing passengers on Thursday due to security staff strike, canceling 650 flights.
由于保安人员罢工,法兰克福机场将于周四对离境旅客关闭。 Frankfurt Airport will be closed for departing passengers on Thursday due to a security staff strike. 法兰克福机场服务全球公司运营的此次罢工导致 1,170 个计划航班中的 650 个航班被取消。 Operated by Fraport, the strike has led to the cancelation of 650 out of 1,170 planned flights. 德国最大的国际机场周四面临三个方面的罢工行动,加剧了影响欧洲最大经济体的持续罢工浪潮。 Germany's largest international airport is facing strike action on three fronts on Thursday, adding to the ongoing wave of industrial action affecting Europe's largest economy.