新西兰出台了使居民更负担得起和可持续的供水服务的计划。 New Zealand introduces plan to make water services more affordable and sustainable for residents.
新西兰地方政府部长宣布了 " 地方用水井 " 计划,旨在确保可持续的供水服务,降低居民的费用。 New Zealand's Minister for Local Government announced the Local Water Done Well plan, aimed at ensuring sustainable water services at a lower cost for residents. 该计划为地方供水组织引入了新的金融模式,并增加了资金支持,高达收入的500 %,从而减轻了付息者的财政负担。 The plan introduces new financial models and increased funding support, up to 500% of revenue, for local water organizations, reducing the financial burden on ratepayers. 它还强调当地对水资产和决策的控制。 It also emphasizes local control over water assets and decision-making.