路易斯安那州颁布了一项新的法律,允许对某些儿童性犯罪者进行外科绝育手术。 Louisiana enacted a new law allowing surgical castration for certain child sex offenders.
路易斯安那州颁布了新的法律,包括一项首创措施,允许法官对犯有针对儿童的某些性犯罪的罪犯实施外科绝育手术。 Louisiana has enacted new laws, including a first-of-its-kind measure allowing judges to impose surgical castration for offenders guilty of certain sex crimes against children. 其他立法则涉及反LGBT问题、打击犯罪的严厉政策以及关于缺席投票的补充条例。 Other legislation addresses anti-LGBTQ+ issues, tough-on-crime policies, and additional regulations on absentee ballots. 国家还执行了一项法律,允许18岁及以上的人未经许可携带隐藏的武器。 The state has also implemented a law allowing those aged 18 and older to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. 批评者认为,新的法律,包括绝育法,是残酷和不寻常的惩罚,而支持者则声称这些法律将威慑罪犯。 Critics argue that the new laws, including the castration law, are cruel and unusual punishments, while proponents claim they will deter criminals.