女演员 Tori Spelling 开玩笑说要加入 OnlyFans 来资助她孩子的大学学费。 Actress Tori Spelling joked about joining OnlyFans to fund her children's college tuition.
因在《比佛利山庄,90210》中的角色而闻名的女演员托里·斯佩林(Tori Spelling)在她的播客中开玩笑说,她可能会加入成人订阅平台OnlyFans,以资助她五个孩子的大学学费。 Actress Tori Spelling, known for her role in "Beverly Hills, 90210", joked on her podcast about potentially joining adult subscription platform OnlyFans to finance her five children's college tuition fees. 该平台允许内容创作者向粉丝收取访问披露内容的费用。 The platform allows content creators to charge fans for access to revealing content. 斯佩林的评论是在与播客嘉宾威廉·夏特纳(William Shatner)讨论大学学费上涨时发表的。 Spelling's comment came during a discussion about rising college tuition costs with podcast guest William Shatner.