Lindsay Hubbard, 一位真实的电视明星, 捍卫她的怀孕公告货币化, 与她的怀孕测试品牌合作。 Lindsay Hubbard, a reality TV star, defended monetizing her pregnancy announcement, partnering with her pregnancy test brand.
Lindsay Hubbard是一位真实的电视明星,她为她将怀孕公告货币化的决定辩护,说从中赚钱是有道理的。 Lindsay Hubbard, a reality TV star, defended her decision to monetize her pregnancy announcement, stating it makes sense to earn from it. 她使用了ClearBlue测试并寻求公司赞助,尽管她最初没有披露这一点。 She used a Clearblue test and sought sponsorship from the company, though she did not initially disclose this. 哈巴德在2021年成为全职社交媒体影响者,在离开公关工作后,她在那一年了首个10万美元. Hubbard transitioned to being a full-time social media influencer in 2021, earning her first $100,000 that year after leaving her PR job.