47岁的联合王国男子因在都柏林法院被控虐待儿童、非法割除幼童生殖器而被拘留。 47-year-old UK man detained for alleged child cruelty, illegal circumcisions on infant boys in Dublin court.
联合王国的一名47岁男子根据《刑事司法法》第4条被拘留,计划在都柏林出庭,指控他犯有虐待儿童和非法医疗做法,特别是非法割除幼童生殖器。 A 47-year-old man from the UK, detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, is scheduled to appear in court in Dublin for alleged child cruelty and unlawful medical practices, specifically involving illegal circumcisions on infant boys. 该案与Blanchardstown Gardaí正在进行的调查有关。 The case is connected to an ongoing investigation by Blanchardstown Gardaí. 收费依据2007年《开业医师法》。 Charges are based on the Medical Practitioners Act 2007.