英国外交部警告西班牙游客,若车辆不符合规定,将在西班牙罚款200欧元。 UK Foreign Office warns Spanish tourists about €200 LEZ fines in Spain for non-compliant vehicles.
联合王国外交部警告在西班牙驾车的西班牙游客,如果使用不符合要求的车辆进入低排放区(LEZ),可能处以200欧元的罚款。 The UK Foreign Office warns Spanish tourists driving in Spain about potential €200 fines for entering low emission zones (LEZ) with non-compliant vehicles. 2022年,在马德里和巴塞罗那等城市引入了排放标准严格且排放标准严格的低排放区。 LEZs with tightened emission standards were introduced in cities like Madrid and Barcelona in 2022. 车辆必须有登记和正确的排放标签,这些标签可以从不同地点购买,需要显示在车辆挡风玻璃上。 Vehicles must have registration and the correct emissions sticker, which can be bought from various locations and needs to be displayed on the vehicle's windshield. 外国注册的汽车必须遵守这些固定排放标准,有些城市需要车辆预先登记。 Foreign-registered cars are required to comply with these fixed emission standards, and some cities need advance registration of the vehicle.