皇后区湖泊区理事会认可经济多样化计划,使其多样化超出旅游业。 Queenstown Lakes District Council endorses Economic Diversification Plan to diversify beyond tourism.
皇后区湖泊区理事会核可了其经济多样化计划,旨在支持该区域更广泛的工业和职业机会。 The Queenstown Lakes District Council has endorsed its Economic Diversification Plan, aiming to support a wider range of industries and career opportunities in the region. 该计划在18个地方组织的支持下,旨在通过除旅游业外的多样化、提供高收入和留住年轻居民,“未来”保护当地经济。 Supported by 18 local organizations, the plan aims to "future-proof" the local economy by diversifying beyond tourism, offering higher incomes and retaining young residents. 该计划补充了先前核准的目的地管理计划,重点是使当地经济多样化。 The plan complements the previously endorsed Destination Management Plan, focusing on diversifying the local economy.