爱尔兰Fáilte宣布了一项五年计划,以加强科克市及其港口地区的旅游业。 Fáilte Ireland unveils a five-year plan to enhance tourism in Cork City and its harbor area.
爱尔兰Fáilte已启动一项五年计划, 以提升科克市、港口及东科克的旅游业。 Fáilte Ireland has launched a five-year plan to boost tourism in Cork City, its harbor, and east Cork. 《目的地与经验发展计划》处理各种挑战,例如对家庭友善的看法和对东科克的低认识。 The Destination and Experience Development Plan addresses challenges like perceptions of family-friendliness and low awareness of east Cork. 关键举措包括在码头发展吸引游客的主要活动,提高港口的无障碍性,以及将该地区定位为爱尔兰的粮食资本。 Key initiatives include developing a major visitor attraction in the docklands, enhancing harbor accessibility, and positioning the area as Ireland's food capital. 该计划旨在通过增加旅游支出加强地方社区。 The plan aims to strengthen local communities through increased tourism spending.