澳大利亚理事会寻求关于为增加的人口增加交通、住房和就业机会的计划的反馈意见。 Australian council seeks feedback on plan to boost transport, housing, and jobs for growing population.
澳大利亚的Macquarie湖市议会发布了一项社区战略计划草案,供2025年2月10日前提出反馈意见。 Lake Macquarie City Council in Australia has released a draft Community Strategic Plan for feedback until February 10, 2025. 该计划旨在到2035年改善公共交通、住房、就业机会、开放空间和环境。 The plan aims to improve public transport, housing, job opportunities, open spaces, and the environment by 2035. 该计划由居民通过调查、弹出式会议和首脑会议提供投入,旨在应对人口预计将从2024年的220 000人上升至2046年的260 000人带来的挑战。 Created with input from residents via surveys, pop-up sessions, and a summit, the plan addresses challenges from a growing population expected to rise from 220,000 in 2024 to 260,000 by 2046. 居民可在理事会网站上提交反馈。 Residents can submit feedback on the council's website.