安大略警方调查珠宝店入室盗窃案;嫌疑人带着被盗物品逃跑。 Ontario police investigate jewelry store break-in; suspects fled with stolen items.
安大略省警方正在调查11月13日清晨在彭布罗克发生的一桩珠宝店入室盗窃案。 Ontario Provincial Police are investigating a jewelry store break-in and theft that occurred early morning on November 13 in Pembroke. 警员在对警报作出反应后发现有强行进入的迹象和遗失物品。 Officers found signs of forced entry and missing items after responding to an alarm. 据信有三名嫌犯乘车逃离,尽管一些被盗物品被追回。 Believed to be three suspects fled in a vehicle, though some stolen items were recovered. 警方寻找该地区有录像的证人,请公众与证人或犯罪制止者联系,提供信息。 Police seek witnesses with footage from the area and ask the public to contact them or Crime Stoppers with information.