加州公园火灾威胁着在米尔和迪尔溪流域 濒临严重濒危的 春季奇努克鲑鱼的生存 California's Park Fire threatens the survival of critically endangered spring-run Chinook salmon in Mill and Deer Creek watersheds.
加利福尼亚第五大野火,即公园火灾 威胁到了州里濒临灭绝的 春季奇努克鲑鱼 的生存,它们位于特哈马县的米尔河和迪尔河流域 California's fifth-largest wildfire, the Park Fire, threatens the survival of the state's critically endangered spring-run Chinook salmon, which inhabit the Mill and Deer Creek watersheds in Tehama County. 如果大火蔓延到更高的高度 可能导致这些鲑鱼灭绝 If the fire spreads to higher altitudes, it could lead to the extinction of these salmon. 流域的泉水溪流可能很快被灰烬冲走 虽然火焰不是直接威胁 但消防工作对水道构成直接威胁 The spring-fed streams in the watersheds could have ash quickly washed away, and while flames aren't the immediate threat, firefighting efforts pose a direct threat to waterways. 加利福尼亚渔业和野生动物部警告说,种群面临灭绝的高度风险,火灾的影响可能是对已经衰落的物种的又一灾难性打击。 The California Department of Fish and Wildlife warns that the populations are at high risk of extinction, and the impact of the fire could be another catastrophic blow to an already declining species.