一名 28 岁的怀俄明州男子在斯普林莱克附近发生单车事故,失去控制并翻车,受伤并被送往医院,伤势没有生命危险。 28-year-old Wyoming man hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries from single-vehicle crash near Spring Lake, lost control, rolled over.
周日下午,一名 28 岁的怀俄明州男子在斯普林莱克附近发生单车事故,受伤住院,但没有生命危险。 28-year-old Wyoming man was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries following a single-vehicle crash near Spring Lake on Sunday afternoon. 这辆由未透露姓名的司机驾驶的车辆失去了控制,冲过了两条沟渠,穿过了一条马路,然后翻了过来。 The vehicle, driven by the unnamed motorist, lost control, went through two ditches, crossed a street, and rolled over. 急救人员必须将他从车中救出,由于事件仍在调查中,因此最初没有透露其他细节。 First responders had to extract him from the vehicle and no other details were initially revealed as the incident remains under investigation.