一名 16 岁的肯塔基州男孩因谋杀未遂而被捕,他在印第安纳州德比的彩虹湖发生枪击事件,导致两名少年中枪。 16-year-old Kentucky boy arrested for attempted murder, shooting incident at Rainbow Lake in Derby, IN, leaves two juveniles shot.
印第安纳州德比市彩虹湖发生枪击事件,两名少年中枪,一名 16 岁的肯塔基州男孩因谋杀未遂、严重殴打和其他指控被捕。 16-year-old Kentucky boy arrested for attempted murder, aggravated battery, and other charges after a shooting incident at Rainbow Lake in Derby, Indiana, leaves two juveniles shot. 佩里县警长办公室已赶赴现场,印第安纳州警方正在展开调查。 The Perry County Sheriff's Office responded to the scene and Indiana State Police are investigating. 枪击事件受害者的状况尚不清楚。 The condition of the shooting victims is unknown.