在1月23日,肯塔基州警方逮捕了45岁的Carson Jones, 因为他向Chad Hurley开枪并贩卖毒品。 On Jan 23, Kentucky police arrested Carson Jones, 45, after he shot Chad Hurley and trafficked drugs.
肯塔基州警方正在调查2025年1月23日在Pike县Huddy社区发生的一起枪击事件。 Kentucky State Police are investigating a shooting incident that occurred in the Huddy community of Pike County on January 23, 2025. 在Forest Trace公寓,警察发现一名男子乍得赫里,他受了无生命威胁的枪伤,并被送往医院。 At the Forest Trace apartments, officers found a man, Chad Hurley, suffering from non-life-threatening gunshot wounds and took him to a hospital. 45岁的据称枪手Carson Jones被捕,并被指控犯有殴打罪和其他罪行,包括贩毒。 The alleged shooter, Carson Jones, 45, was arrested and charged with assault and other offenses, including drug trafficking.