澳大利亚前副总理巴纳比乔伊斯因在反海上风电集会上将选票比作子弹而道歉。 Former Australian Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce apologized for comparing ballot papers to bullets at an anti-offshore wind rally.
澳大利亚前副总理巴纳比·乔伊斯在伊拉瓦拉湖举行的反对海上风电集会上发表演讲,为其将选票比作子弹而道歉。 Barnaby Joyce, former Australian Deputy Prime Minister, apologised for his comparison of ballot papers to bullets during a speech at an anti-offshore wind rally in Lake Illawarra. 乔伊斯鼓励与会者“利用”选票来对付工党政客,他的讲话是在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普遭遇暗杀未遂两周后发表的。 Joyce encouraged attendees to "weaponise" their votes against Labor politicians, with his speech coming two weeks after the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump. 国民党议员已为他的言辞道歉。 The Nationals MP has since apologised for his choice of words.