商人布赖恩·加里根 (Brian Garrigan) 因向道路工人挥舞斜钩而被判犯有威胁行为和武器罪。 Businessman Brian Garrigan convicted for threatening behavior and weapons offenses for brandishing a slash-hook at road workers.
Brian Garrigan是都柏林商人,前选举候选人,在与切断供水的公路工人发生争端期间,他挥舞刀刺手,因此因威胁行为和武器犯罪而被定罪。 Brian Garrigan, a Dublin businessman and former election candidate, was convicted for threatening behavior and weapons offenses after he brandished a slash-hook during a dispute with road workers who had cut off his water supply. 尽管他不认罪,但都柏林地区法院判定他有罪。 Despite pleading not guilty, he was found guilty in Dublin District Court. 法官选择宽大处理,允许Garrigan在向Make a Wish慈善捐赠时避免更严厉的惩罚。 The judge opted for leniency, allowing Garrigan to avoid harsher penalties if he donates to the Make a Wish charity. 案件将于11月5日继续审理。 The case will continue on November 5th.