缅因州普雷斯克岛的一场房屋火灾导致一人受伤,四人流离失所,整栋房屋被毁。 A house fire in Presque Isle, Maine, injured one person, displaced four, and destroyed the home.
缅因州普雷斯克岛的一场房屋火灾导致一人受伤,四人流离失所。 A house fire in Presque Isle, Maine, left one person injured and four people displaced. 杜邦大道 42 号的火灾发生在凌晨 2 点左右,烟雾探测器向租户发出了警报。 The fire at 42 DuPont Drive occurred around 2 am, with smoke detectors alerting the tenants. 随后火势再次蔓延,并产生闷烧和浓烟。 The fire re-ignited later, causing smoldering and smoke. 伤者受轻伤被送往医院,房屋被毁。 The injured person was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, and the home was destroyed. 红十字会正在协助受害者,调查仍在继续。 The Red Cross is assisting the victims, and the investigation continues.