因铀元素而患病的 9/11 士兵正在等待 VA 就基地疾病做出解释,而《保护和平行动法案》并不涵盖乌兹别克斯坦的辐射暴露。 9/11 troops sickened by uranium await VA connection to illnesses at base, PACT Act doesn't cover Uzbekistan radiation exposure.
喜剧演员乔恩·斯图尔特和在“9·11”事件后因铀而生病的士兵会见了退伍军人事务部的官员,但被告知他们必须等待退伍军人事务部将他们的疾病与他们所部署的有毒基地联系起来。 Comedian Jon Stewart and troops sickened by uranium after 9/11 met with VA officials, but were told they must wait for the VA to connect their illnesses to the toxic base where they were deployed. 《PACT法案》是拜登总统于2022年签署的一项重要的退伍军人援助计划法案,其中没有包括驻乌兹别克斯坦部队基地的辐射照射,导致他们的疾病得不到保障。 The PACT Act, a major veterans aid package bill signed by President Biden in 2022, did not include radiation exposure at the troops' base in Uzbekistan, leaving them without coverage for their illnesses.