一架小型飞机坠毁在犹他州罗伊市一户人家的前院,乘客受轻伤。 Small plane crashes into a family's front yard in Roy, Utah, with minor injuries to the passengers.
一架小型飞机坠毁在犹他州罗伊市一户人家的前院,但机上人员都幸免于难,只受了轻伤。 A small plane crashed into a family's front yard in Roy, Utah, but everyone on board survived with minor injuries. 这一事件被房主前门的摄像头拍了下来,显示飞机撞上了一棵树,然后降落在草地上。 The incident was captured by the homeowner's front door camera, which showed the plane hitting a tree before landing on the grass. 飞行员和乘客都接受了好心人和当地人的检查,同时官员正在调查坠机原因。 Both the pilot and passenger were checked by good Samaritans and locals, while officials investigate the cause of the crash.