美国喷气式飞机在间谍气球紧张的情况下 击落休伦湖和阿拉斯加上空的神秘物体 US jets shoot down mysterious objects over Lake Huron and Alaska, amid spy balloon tensions.
美国战斗机击落了多个不明物体,包括星期日在休伦湖上空和阿拉斯加附近的物体。 US fighter jets have shot down multiple unidentified objects, including one over Lake Huron on Sunday and another near Alaska. 这些事件是继中国间谍气球在大西洋上空被击落之后发生的。 These incidents follow the downing of a Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic. 当局正在调查这些物体的起源,有些人表示它们可能是气球。 Authorities are investigating the objects' origins, with some suggesting they may be balloons. 最近的物体在大约40,000英尺处飞行,低于中国气球。 The recent objects flew at about 40,000 feet, lower than the Chinese balloon. 目前正在开展恢复工作,以收集更多信息。 Recovery efforts are underway to gather more information.