载有 140 万升燃油的菲律宾油轮“Terra Nova”号在马尼拉湾沉没,引发人们对漏油的担忧。 Philippine oil tanker Terra Nova carrying 1.4 million litres of fuel sank in Manila Bay, raising concerns of an oil spill.
一艘载有 140 万升燃油的菲律宾油轮在马尼拉湾沉没,引发人们对发生重大漏油事件的担忧。 A Philippine oil tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of fuel sank in Manila Bay, raising concerns of a major oil spill. 油轮“Terra Nova”号离开巴丹省前往中部省份伊洛伊洛时遭遇巨浪并进水。 The tanker Terra Nova left Bataan province for the central province of Iloilo when it encountered huge waves and took on water. 船员们努力将油轮驶回港口,但油轮最终在午夜后不久沉没。 The crew struggled to steer the tanker back to port, but it eventually sank shortly after midnight.