总统乔·拜登为将火炬传递给副总统卡马拉·哈里斯以团结国家和政党进行辩护。 President Joe Biden defended passing the torch to VP Kamala Harris to unite the nation and party.
总统乔·拜登在退出总统竞选后首次发表讲话,为将接力棒交给副总统卡马拉·哈里斯的决定进行辩护。 President Joe Biden defended his decision to pass the torch to VP Kamala Harris, as he gave his first speech since dropping out of the presidential race. 拜登表示,他的意图是团结国家和政党,捍卫民主。 Biden stated that his intent was to unite the nation and the party in defense of democracy. 他在椭圆形办公室的演讲中强调了自己的成就的重要性,以及这些成就将如何与哈里斯的选举成功紧密联系在一起,特别是当她依靠拜登政府的成就竞选时。 In his Oval Office address, he emphasized the importance of his accomplishments and how they will be entwined with Harris' electoral success, particularly as she runs on the achievements of the Biden administration.