印度最高法院就转基因芥菜商业销售作出分歧判决,指示政府在四个月内制定转基因作物的国家政策。 Supreme Court of India issues split verdict on GM mustard commercial sale, directs govt to formulate a national policy on GM crops within four months.
印度最高法院就转基因芥菜杂交品种DMH-11的环境释放问题做出了分歧裁决。 The Supreme Court of India has issued a split verdict on the environmental release of genetically modified mustard hybrid DMH-11. 尽管法官 B V Nagarathna 以对审批程序的担忧为由,裁定不允许商业销售和发布转基因芥末,但法官 Sanjay Karol 维持了这一判决。 While Justice B V Nagarathna ruled against permitting the commercial sale and release of GM Mustard, citing concerns over the approval process, Justice Sanjay Karol upheld the decision. 两位法官一致指示政府制定有关转基因作物的国家政策。 Both judges unanimously directed the government to formulate a national policy on Genetically Modified (GM) crops. 环境部被要求在起草政策前四个月内咨询利益相关者和专家。 The environment ministry was instructed to consult stakeholders and experts within four months before drafting the policy.