爱尔兰朗福德一名 70 岁男子在家中遭枪击,身受重伤;调查仍在进行中。 70-year-old man in Longford, Ireland, seriously injured after shots fired at his home; investigations ongoing.
爱尔兰朗福德一名 70 岁男子在家中遭枪击,身受重伤。 70-year-old man in Longford, Ireland, seriously injured after shots fired at his home. 事件于周三晚上发生在 Springlawn 庄园,受伤男子被送往马林加尔的米德兰地区医院。 The incident occurred in the Springlawn estate on Wednesday evening, with the injured man being taken to the Midland Regional Hospital in Mullingar. 据悉,他的伤势严重,但没有生命危险。 His injuries are described as serious but non-life threatening. 爱尔兰警察正在展开调查并寻找与袭击有关的信息。 Gardaí are conducting investigations and seeking information relating to the attack.