乌克兰与俄罗斯在七周内由阿联酋斡旋进行的第三次战俘交换中各交换了95名战俘,共释放190人。 Ukraine and Russia exchanged 95 prisoners of war each in a third prisoner exchange mediated by the UAE within seven weeks, releasing a total of 190 people.
在阿联酋调解下,乌克兰与俄罗斯各交换了 95 名战俘。 Ukraine and Russia have exchanged 95 prisoners of war each, following negotiations mediated by the United Arab Emirates. 最新一次囚犯交换是过去七周内的第三次,共有 190 人被释放。 The latest prisoner exchange is the third of its kind within the last seven weeks, with 190 people in total being released. 阿联酋在促成此次交换中发挥了重要作用,获释的乌克兰囚犯来自国家武装部队、国民警卫队和边防警卫队。 The UAE played a significant role in facilitating the exchange, while the freed Ukrainian prisoners were part of the national armed forces, the national guard, and the border guard service.