乌克兰人寻求交换新年囚犯,因为俄罗斯拒绝在低汇率数字下提出酷刑指控。 Ukrainians seek New Year prisoner exchange as Russia denies torture claims amid low exchange numbers.
乌克兰人希望与俄罗斯交换新年囚犯, 由于俄罗斯最近在前线的进步, 谈判已变得越来越困难。 Ukrainians are hoping for a New Year prisoner exchange with Russia, as negotiations have become increasingly difficult due to Russia's recent advances on the front line. 2024年,仅进行了十次交易,这是入侵开始以来的最低数目。 In 2024, only ten exchanges took place, the lowest number since the invasion began. 乌克兰估计有8 000多名战俘被俄罗斯关押。 Ukraine estimates over 8,000 prisoners of war are held by Russia. 联合国已指控俄罗斯对乌克兰囚犯广泛施以酷刑, The UN has accused Russia of widespread torture of Ukrainian prisoners, a claim Russia denies. 家人聚集在基辅参加圣诞节示威, 呼吁释放亲人。 Families gathered in Kyiv for a Christmas demonstration, calling for the release of their loved ones.